Using Hashtags

You can click on a hashtag on a tweet to see more tweets with that hashtag, and you can also do a hashtag search. Pay attention to Top versus All result options. It defaults to "top" but you will probably want to see "all" instead. [next]

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The hashtag search, including the "all" versus "top" parameters, are part of the URL, which means you can bookmark a hashtag in your browser bookmarks and access it whenever you want. So, for example, here is the URL I see when I click on the #clmooc hashtag in a tweet:

Here's what happens when I switch from the default "top" to "all" tweets instead:

That "f=realtime" in the URL is the parameter that gives you all tweets. You can bookmark the option you prefer and have access to the hashtag with just a single click at any time.

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